ANOKA, MN 55303

Monday, October 29, 2012

We have spent months preparing some awesome treasures for the French Vintage Marketplace.  check us out on Facebook where we've posted a few in-process teasers!

Cute little flip top footstool.  It's done and so very adorable with a Paris Print.
 This little glass front bookcase is now done and very cute.
 Part of a beautiful dining set.
Check back - I'll be posting more in a day or so.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 26 & 27 Market at Paddywac's

Let's all take a Market break.

 Ever have one of these days when you don't want to do much, but go have fun?  We'll we've got it all together in Anoka now.  No more construction, plenty of parking and the shops are eager to see everyone back and enjoying our great town. 

Paddywac's Market this weekend, October 26 & 27, is being held by our wonderful and talented dealers. They've put their personalities in the shop, and can you say WOW, it truly looks great. Lots of new items are in and some incredible new furniture as well. Come check it out.

Mark this on the calendar - the first ever FRENCH VINTAGE MARKETPLACE !! Beautifully held at Green Valley Greenhouse in Ramsey MN, and hosted by the French Flea of Anoka !!

We will be among the 20 hand selected vendors participating in this excited event !! You will find a fantastic selection of furniture, decor, holiday, antiques, repurposed, handmade, gifts, jewelry, architectural....and so much more !!!!   Some tasty treats also available from food vendors !! Come and spend the day where you will find a ton of fantastic finds !!!

Hope to see you soon

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday, October 20th Nic Nac Paddywac's is Open

A bit last minute but we want everyone to know that Nic Nac Paddywac's is open this Saturday, Oct. 20th.  Anoka is such a great town.  We're gearing up for Halloween.  After all, we are the Halloween Capital of the World.  Later today is the Light Up the Night Parade that starts at 7:00 p.m, and I hear Avant Garden has lots of hot chocolate and goodies.  We're stocked and ready.  Hope you can join us. 

See you soon.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October Market - Preview

The colors of fall are almost gone and now comes the focus on getting the inside of our homes warm, inviting and ready for all the exciting upcoming festivities.  October brings lots of change for sure.  Check out the pictures below.  We've been busy getting everything ready for you.  We hope you enjoy this short preview!



We hope to see you soon!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day at the Workshop

Good morning!  One of the tasks required to keep a shop like Paddywac's fun and interesting is working on furniture. Gluing, filling holes, tightening chairs, recovering cushions - it's all necessary. But our favorite of all is getting to paint the pieces. That's when the creative juices start to flow - to look at a piece and say "what color should it be." He's a few projects we've been working on.  What color would you paint these pieces.  We'd love to hear from you.

Now, this vanity is a creamy white, showing off all of its adorable detail.

This desk is a creamy white with distressed blue on the corners and drawers.

 This desk needed the top stripped because of all the paint.  It's now a beautiful white.
 This very unique pieces doubles as a cabinet, bookshelf/desk.  It was distressed white.

One of two matching side tables with a drawer.  Now they're a sophisticated shabby chic white.

Most of these pieces will be coming into the shop soon.  We hope to see you.